Tech Mahindra Off Campus Placement Paper and Interview Experience :
1. ONLINE ENGLISH AND APTITUDE TEST: This is one of the main rounds in the process. Maximum elimination happens over here . Almost 70-80% eliminated in this round.
Total questions: 130
No. of sections: 7 (3 Eng, 1 Quants, 3 Verbal/Reasoning)
Questions/sections: Eng 1 – 25, Eng 2 – 35, Eng Comprehension – 10, Quants – 15 , Verbal – 35 , Verbal Paragraph – 5 , Verbal figures – 5
Marking: +1 for correct answer. No negative marking so don’t leave any questions.
Total Time – 80 mins.
2. ONLINE ESSAY WRITING: This is another elimination round, but it’s less compared to the previous. You have to write an essay on the topic given in 200 words (1000 characters, do bring that count to 0) in 10 mins. They actually want to know how quickly can you think about a topic, grammar knowledge and typing speed too. Once its done you have to submit it and then wait for the result. Almost 90% candidates successful in this round.
3. TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: This is the MOST important round. If this goes well, you will be quite sure of your chances. Prepare basic programming questions like palindrome , reversing string , swapping value without using temp etc. Prepare your project very well.
4. HR INTERVIEW : This is just like other HR rounds. Prepare basic HR questions like tell me about yourself, where will you see yourself in 5 years ? why do you want to join in Tech Mahindra? Almost 80-90% are successful in this round.
IS this all processes will complete in a single day or only apps test will take in that day?
All process will complete on that day.Just focus to answer all the questions.Because time management is a big factor.But one thing that I suggest level of questions are very easy just try to pay attention when you give the exam.Best of luck..
can we know the total timing and % cutoff of the marks.cutoff % is either overall cutoff or sectional cutoff.
Hi applied for this job but unfortunately I enter wrong location for test n interview how can I edit my application? Pls help…
cutoff %age is based on sectional cutoff. The aptitude test if of 1 hour followed by an essay writing test of 10 mins.
Sectional cut-off will be there. In each section you have to score above 60%.
What will b d essay topics usually??
How we get registration id and password plz help me