About Company:
Key Difference is a solution-centric agency born with intelligent technology DNA and raised by the obsession over reader behavior culture. They provide Online Digital Content Strategy, Brand Concept & Design Services, Digital Content Development, Social Media Branding, Online Marketing & Cross Platform Infrastructure Management. With offices in US, UK, Canada, Australia and Denmark, Key Difference has been making a difference to clients worldwide.
Company Name: Key Difference
Website: www.keydifference.com
Position: Engineer Trainee – Web Development
Date of drive: 23rd September 2014
Registration Time: 8.30 AM to 10 AM
Walkin Venue Address:
PERI Institute of Technology campus
Eligibility Criteria:
- Core PHP, MySQL, Java J2EE
- B.E (CSE, IT, ECE, E&I & EEE), M.Sc (IT), MCA
- 2013 & 2014 Passed Out
- No standing arrears
Note: There is No Entry Fees
How To Apply:
Interested students must send in their resume to resumes@peri.ac.in with the subject as the name of the company.
Note: Bring at least 2 hard copies of your resume. www.apuzz.com
More Information: Click Here