About CRY:
Childhood in India is not the same for all children; many childhoods coexist based on economic and social conditions, physical and mental ability as well as of geographical location to name a few. Respecting children as sovereign, equal members is a step towards recognising their voices in defining their best interest as participants and not just mute beneficiaries of state or community welfare.
Applicants will be Indians residing in India, above the age of 18 years. If your proposal is part of a submission to any academic institution or if the fellow is already receiving funding for conduct of the research proposed, it will be ineligible for this fellowship.
Grant Sizes: Up-to 5 fellowships ranging from Rs.50, 000 to Rs.1 lakh will be awarded. Fellows are free to continue their primary occupation.
Proposals above one lakh will not be reviewed. The fellowship grant will released in installments against specific deliverables.
Last Date for receiving applications is 20th June, 2014. Please e-mail your application to research@crymail.org
In the absence of internet access you may send your application
by post to:
CRY – Child Rights and You,
Documentation Centre,
189 A, Anand Estate,
Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai 400011.
The names of researchers awarded the Fellowship will be announced on www.cry.org in September 2014.
Essential requirements:
1. A three-page proposal, which briefly explains your topic of study, objectives and outlines the research question within a framework, proposed methodology, time lines, a reading list of related literature/existing studies on the subject and a detailed budget.
2. A two-page updated CV
3. A sample of your published or unpublished paper/article or any documentation done on a related theme.
4. Names, phone numbers and email addresses of two referees willing to furnish a reference for you
Duration: The duration of the fellowship is one year. Proposals where duration exceeds a year will not be considered
More Info: http://www.cry.org/resources/pdf/National-Child%20Rights-Research-Fellowship-2014-15.pdf